Cable front and back

With cables, the pattern states how wide they are. E.g. cable 6 front means that the cable is 6 sts wide but you can have any number instead of the 6.

Steps to knit a Cable 6 Front and Back (C6F and C6B):

  1. Start by working your pattern up to the point where you want to create the cable. Ensure that you have six stitches available for the cable.

  2. Take the first three stitches on your left-hand needle and hold them to the front of your work. You can use a cable needle, a double-pointed needle, or another method if you're comfortable with it.

  3. Knit the next three stitches from the left-hand needle. These are the three stitches that come immediately after the ones you held to the front.

  4. Now, go back to the three stitches that you were holding to the front. Slip them from the cable needle or double-pointed needle back onto your left-hand needle.

  5. Knit those three stitches.

  6. You have now successfully created a Cable 6 Front. The three stitches that you held to the front have crossed in front of the three stitches that you knit first, creating a cable twist.

  7. To create the Cable 6 Back, you'll now need to create another twist by crossing the same six stitches in the opposite direction.

  8. Take the first three stitches on your left-hand needle and hold them to the back of your work.

  9. Knit the next three stitches from the left-hand needle. These are the three stitches that come immediately after the ones you held to the back.

  10. Go back to the three stitches that you were holding to the back. Slip them from the cable needle or double-pointed needle back onto your left-hand needle.

  11. Knit those three stitches.

  12. You have now successfully created a Cable 6 Back. The three stitches that you held to the back have crossed in back of the three stitches that you knit first, creating a cable twist in the opposite direction.

With practice and patience, you can create beautiful and intricate cable patterns in your knitting projects.


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