Bind off stitches

Step 1: Knit the first two stitches of the row.

Step 2: Using the left-hand needle, lift the first knitted stitch (the one you knitted first) over the second knitted stitch and off the right-hand needle. You now have one stitch remaining on your right-hand needle.

Step 3: Knit the next stitch (which is now the first stitch on the right-hand needle).

Step 4: Lift the first knitted stitch over the second stitch again and off the right-hand needle. You'll have one stitch left on the right-hand needle.

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have only one stitch left on your right-hand needle.

Step 6: Cut the yarn, leaving a tail of several inches.

Step 7: Thread the yarn tail through the last stitch, using a yarn needle if necessary.

Step 8: Pull the yarn tail snug to secure the last stitch.

Similar to "casting on", "binding off" is just a knitting term to ending a project or ending a certain number of stitches.


Purl 2 stitches together (p2tog)


3 needle bind off